Pro haze high
Pro haze high. A size of 1 gallon and also an item model number predefined as hzph1. New here in Usa ¬
Price: 46 €
Product condition: New
Stage Lighting Systems & Kits , Stage Lighting Controllers Atmospheric Effects Machines Fluids & Fragrances Stage Lighting Single Units
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Pro haze high
Pro haze high. A size of 1 gallon and also an item model number predefined as hzph1. New here in Usa ¬
Price: 46 €
Product condition: New
Sharpy stage lighting
Moving head light aobolighting. With the following characteristics fan cooled · A lighting effects -> ´beam´ · an items included : ´stage lighting power parts´ · A lighting technology halogen , in particular: moving, beam ¬
Price: 75 €
Product condition: New
230w disco party
Spotlightbeampinspot aobolighting. With the following characteristics compact - A lighting effects of the type beam - A lighting technology rgbw but also a control of the type dmx and also especially: moving, head. Directstageligh...
Price: 18 €
Product condition: New
Sound active led
Sound active led | An operation modes equivalent to ' masterslave pasting' | an a1 defined as 'normally on red' | an interface : '3pins xlr jack' | A s2 : 'sound' | an a2 characterized by 'normally on yellow' | A light source qual...
Price: 62 €
Product condition: New
Stage lights 440w
Moving head light beam moving head ballast. Of the brand aobolighting as well as with the following characteristics fan cooled
A control -> dmx
A motion alternating in the same way as especially: sharpy, 470w ¬
Price: 68 €
Product condition: New
Head greenlaser gloves
Modern skating dance costume other please contact. Of the brand aobolighting and also to with the following characteristics builtin display and this is also it is of the type social event | A fixtures included of the type 1 pair ...
Price: 166 €
Product condition: New
Usb stage lights
Usb ktv atmosphere. Energy saving safe:. Discount…~
Price: 8.47 €
Product condition: New
Stage bar ktv
30w matrix cob. Power cable. Online. Warm note: price…~
Price: 259 €
Product condition: New